Suzie Eller, Holley Gerth, and Jennifer Watson, writers and real-life friends, are inviting you to go deeper, become freer, and feel more connected with the More Than Small Talk Podcast.

Every episode includes a confession question as well as helpful truths, tips and resources. If you want more peace and less stress, more vulnerability and less trying to be perfect, more hope and less hustle this is the podcast for you.


What's Your Prayer Personality? (Episode 273)

More Than Small Talk

Janet McHenry joins us to talk about how you can go from feeling like a "prayer failure" to connecting with him in ways that fit who he created you to be.


A Little More: Rules vs. Relationship

More Than Small Talk

Man-made rules don’t change us, but a relationship with our Savior does. 


It's Not All On You (Episode 272)

More Than Small Talk

Do you sometimes feel like you have to handle everything on your own? Set down the heaviness of that pressure and remember you're never alone.


A Little More: Steadiness In Our Stuck Places

More Than Small Talk

It won’t always hurt like this. There is a steadiness that can be found even in our stuck places. 


It Won't Always Hurt Like This (Episode 271)

More Than Small Talk

When life gets tough, it can seem like we’ll always feel the way we do right now. But there is hope ahead and your healing is worth fighting for today. 


A Little More: How to Beat the Lies We Believe

More Than Small Talk

Holley has an aha moment: the enemy often lies to us in the areas of our giftings. Let’s keep fighting for the truth in our lives, and do the same for our sisters too. 


Lies We Believe, Truth that Sets Our Hearts Free (Episode 270)

More Than Small Talk

“Did God really say…?” The enemy went after Eve with this one phrase, and he still does the same with our hearts today. The good news: Yes, God really did say we’re loved, chosen, enough, and more! 


A Little More: Overwhelmed by Social Media

More Than Small Talk

If you find yourself overwhelmed by social media, you're not alone. Holley shares a few strategies to help you use social media strategically and intentionally.


Meaningful Connection vs. More Likes (Episode 269)

More Than Small Talk

Social media can be overwhelming for all of us. How do we use it intentionally rather than impulsively? We talk about how to be the boss of social media rather than feeling controlled by it.


A Little More: You Are Beautiful

More Than Small Talk

Did you know that you are beautiful? You are. You absolutely are. 


True Well-Being vs. What You Look Like (Episode 268)

More Than Small Talk

Do you feel pressure to look a certain way? We do too. Join us for a conversation about how we can practice gratitude for our bodies, listen to them, and focus on what works for us rather than working hard to achieve impossible beauty standards. 


A Little More: How Hustling Harms our Mental Health

More Than Small Talk

In a world that often glorifies the hustle mentality, so many of us begin to question our true worth wondering if we aren’t measuring up. Jennifer encourages us to give ourselves more compassion and let go of the comparison that the hustle culture drives us towards. 

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