Navigating through the trials of life and discovering breakthrough can feel overwhelming and hopeless at times. Join Christy Rodriguez as she interviews men and women who have found the brave place within themselves as they share their experiences of beating the odds and turning trials into triumphs. If you’re looking for a place to be inspired, enlightened, and challenged into finding the warrior within, this is the podcast for you.


Marriage & Family Therapist - Brandi K. Harris - The Truth About Holy Sex (S03E04)

The Brave Place

NOTE: This episode contains sensitive material not meant for little ears.


Singer/Songwriter Hope Darst – Peace Be Still (S03E03)

The Brave Place

Singer/Songwriter Hope Darst, known for her popular songs “Peace Be Still,” “Promise Keeper,” and “Set Free,” opens up and takes us on an up close and personal journey through her own struggles, doubts, fears, questions, and God’s faithfulness through it all. You can learn more about Hope by visiting her website at


Fractured Faith – Finding Your Way Back to God in an Age of Deconstruction (S03E02)

The Brave Place

Dr. Lina Abujamra, author, speaker, Bible teacher and medical doctor, dives into her own personal journey of wrestling with God through her doubts, fears, and pain. In the near deconstruction of her faith, she was forced to navigate some of her darkest moments grappling with questions such as: Where is God in my pain? Is this how Christians are supposed to act? Why did my story end this way? Is this the normal Christian life? Why is it so hard for Christians to love? Her latest book, Fractured Faith is the telling of that journey. Listen in as Dr. Lina gets honest and real about encountering her own Fractured Faith. You can learn more about Dr. Lina Abujamra by visiting her website


Deceived Into The Arms Of A Narcissist (S03E01)

The Brave Place

At the age of 17, Michela Fields found herself in a web of manipulation and emotional narcissistic abuse. Always on the run, hiding from family and friends, and far away from her home country, she was forced to trust the only person she knew, her narcissistic husband. This is Michela’s brave story of living in confusion, pain, and turmoil for nearly 16 years until freedom and the healing arms of Jesus Christ gave her a new hope and a new life.


KLRC Listener Michelle Webster – Facing the Loss of Her Daughter Amber (S02E06)

The Brave Place

Michelle Webster is a part of our KLRC listening family and graciously sat down with Christy and shared about the tragic loss of her daughter Amber. Michelle recounts what happened the day Amber passed away and how God has helped her navigate through the pain and grief. Visit to learn more about Michelle’s story.


Dr. Preston Sprinkle, New York Times Best Selling Author - Transgender Identity (S02E05)

The Brave Place

Dr. Preston Sprinkle discusses the topic of Transgender Identity answering questions that many are afraid to ask. Dr. Sprinkle is the President of the Center of Faith, Sexuality, and Gender, A New York Times Best Selling Author, biblical scholar and an International speaker. He is considered an expert in the fields of gender and transgender identities as well as topics surrounding the LGBTQ community and biblical theology of sexuality. In this episode, he discusses terms within the realm of gender identity such as binary, non-binary, gender queer, stereotypes, and gender identity vs. biological sex. He also dives into scientific research, sex reassignment surgeries, and medical interventions such as puberty blockers. He shares insightful information on why more and more teens today are questioning their gender and provides resources for parents searching to learn more. His latest book, Embodied, Transgender Identities, The Church, & What the Bible Has to Say is one of over a dozen books he has written.To learn more about Dr. Sprinkle and resources that are available, visit


Faith Zember, Founder of – Hope in the Midst of Sorrow (S02E02)

The Brave Place

Faith Zember discusses the heartache of losing her 15-year-old daughter, Lily Kelly, in a tragic car accident. Lily was a musician, singer, and songwriter who was a strong leader in her faith leaving a legacy of inspiration and hope through her music and her walk with the Lord. Faith shares powerful wisdom that can be applied to all of us walking through the storm and how Lily’s memory continues to impact their community through Faith also authored the book Unexplainable, The Bible As Applied to Two Ordinary Lives where she interweaves the words of both she and Lily taking readers on a journey of finding hope in Jesus.


Keri Corn, KLRC Morning Co-Host – A New Season, Passing the Baton to Christy (S02E01)

The Brave Place

KLRC’s Keri Corn discusses her transition out of her 12-year run as morning show co-host and “passes the baton” to Christy Rodriguez (Host of The Brave Place) who will assume the morning show co-host position starting January 11th, 2021. Keri shares the hard and the best seasons of her life and how God has been leading her into this new season as she finishes up her Master’s degree in Counseling. She also shares the importance of staying close to God in dark times and how Christians are all called to be light in the darkness. Keri and Christy both discuss their excitement and gratitude for each other as well as the new journey that God has placed before them.


Holley Gerth, Author, Speaker, & Podcaster - The Powerful Purpose of Introverts (Episode 18)

The Brave Place

Holley Gerth, author, speaker, and podcaster of More Than Small Talk Podcast (KLRC) discusses her latest book The Powerful Purpose of Introverts: Why the World Needs You to Be You. This fun interview between Christy the extrovert and Holley the introvert highlights the unique differences of extroverts and Introverts and explains how we become one or the other. Holley discusses the biological ways we're wired, her own personal journey as an introvert, the struggles introverts face as well as the strengths they bring to the table.


Suzanne Eller, Author, Speaker, & Podcaster – Becoming a JoyKeeper (Episode 17)

The Brave Place

Suzanne Eller is an author, speaker and podcaster of More Than Small Talk Podcast (KLRC). In this episode she discusses her latest book, JoyKeeper. Taking us behind the scenes into her personal life, Suzie shares the struggles of facing her daughter’s cancer, her own cancer, and her son’s personal battles, and how the deepest, most sustaining joy is birthed out of sorrow. She gives listeners practical tools on confronting joy stealers and learning how to be a JoyKeeper. Listeners can find Suzie online at


Jason Jenkins (Part Two) – Men Sharpening Men (Episode 16)

The Brave Place

Jason Jenkins, author at Men Sharpening Men, shares biblical wisdom and truth on being a husband and a father. He also discusses the power behind true discipleship and how to mentor men who are seeking help and spiritual growth. Jason and his wife, Amanda, have been married for 23 years and have 2 children, Emma and Nolan. Originally from West Monroe, Louisiana, they have lived in NW Arkansas for 3 years. Jason’s passion is helping men understand their purpose in life as they embrace truth, love, give, and make disciples who go make disciples. Listeners can contact Jason by going to


Jason Jenkins (Part One) - Men Sharpening Men (Episode 15)

The Brave Place

Jason Jenkins, author at Men Sharpening Men, takes us on his personal journey as a husband in a marriage that was on the brink of divorce and how God began to shape and mold him as a man turning him into a true disciple of the Word. He offers wisdom on several topics including the trap and dangers of pornography and explains true intimacy from a biblical perspective. Jason and his wife, Amanda, have been married for 23 years and have 2 children, Emma and Nolan. Originally from West Monroe, Louisiana, they have lived in NW Arkansas for 3 years. Jason’s passion is helping men understand their purpose in life as they embrace truth, love, give, and make disciples who go make disciples. Listeners can contact Jason by going to

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