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The Battle of Generations brought a little extra drama as Christy brought in her own stash of penalty flags that she apparently ordered online to contest last week’s match. Christy also shared a powerful story of a 15 year old boy stepping up as an example for all of us at the skate park. Plus Chaplain Justin shared wisdom on how to get our kids to be more outwardly focused on others.
Christy shares about a recent revelation she had that everyone knows about except her leaving her embarrassed but open to talk about it. Our listening family chimed in on their own clueless moments. Plus, Christy shared a proud mom moment where she witnessed her son realizing she knows what she’s talking about every once in awhile.
Mark and Christy share about those moments when you make impulsive purchases or end up coming home with something unexpected. Listeners chime in on their mistakes and also unexpected blessings. Plus, Christy shares about a woman who put 200 passengers at ease on a 10 hour flight thanks to her brilliant idea.
Mark and Christy share about the weekend that was full of awesome KLRC events and getting to meet Ryan Stevenson at Faith and Family Night. Mark also shares about dropping his son off for college and all the thoughts and emotions that came afterwards. Plus, Mark shares about a brilliant 15 year old boy who became “Kid of the Year” for Time Magazine as he is changing the world with his ideas.