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Mark starts our week off with prayer and he and Christy also discuss the power of the “ordinary” when it comes to spreading the gospel. Also, they share about the servant hearted life of the Pennsylvania Fire Chief that lost his life during the tragic shooting over the weekend at the presidential rally.
Mark and Christy play 50/50 “The Arrowhead Speedway Edition” and Christy asks for ideas on what to etch into the new concrete that is being poured for her new basketball court. She says the court is for her son, Mac, but we know better. Also, Mark shares a movie review on the latest “Despicable Me” movie and Christy shares about the upcoming events.
Christy shares about her persistence and experience in retrieving Mac’s birthday present at the actual Amazon Warehouse. Needless to say, they were surprised to see her. She also shares how she drove over speed bumps in the Amazon parking lot that turned out not to be speed bumps at all. Mark is praying for her all day today.
Mark and Christy are finally back in the studio together after Mark’s sabbatical & Costa Rica trip and Christy’s vacation. Christy asks him every question under the sun about his trip to Costa Rica. He shares about sloths, waterfalls, hiking, and how God has been speaking to him. Christy also shares a story about how a teenager brought out his inner Indiana Jones and saved the day rescuing an out of control boat.
Mark is back from his Sloth Sabbatical, but Rain Forest stories will have to wait til tomorrow when Christy returns. We start this week off with a prayer and a blessing for all of us learning to rest. Plus a positive difference story about Mason who is teaching all of us something about perspective.
Christy chats with Chaplain Justin about why some people walk away from their faith and also asks the question, "Does God's grace give us permission to do whatever we want?" Plus, she shares about an Eagle Scout making a difference for families on the beach and tests history buffs on their 4th of July knowledge.