Hear all the on the air highlights from 90.9 KLRC, including from The KLRC Morning Show, The KLRC Drive-Home, and more. Whether you missed a touching moment, want to re-live a hilarious conversation, or want to pass along a moment of encouragement to a friend, you can find it on KLRC On-Demand!
We couldn't wait to share of our absolute favorite Positive Difference stories and it happened right here at the KLRC building! Plus we get you ready for the weekend with the Family Fun Calendar, a review of the new Ryan Reynolds flick, and gave away some more Unsung Hero movie passes.
Check out this week's favorite moments from The KLRC Morning Show. Mark and Christy dive into all kinds of topics and fun. If you missed your favorite segment or just need some truth bombs or laughter in your life today, this is the place to find it!
Mark and Christy ask the question of “What would you do?” as Christy shares about getting stuck in the rain and how no one nearby offered to help but ‘should they?’ in her situation? Mark also shares a powerful story of how an incarcerated woman is inspiring women everywhere and making a positive difference.