Hear all the on the air highlights from 90.9 KLRC, including from The KLRC Morning Show, The KLRC Drive-Home, and more. Whether you missed a touching moment, want to re-live a hilarious conversation, or want to pass along a moment of encouragement to a friend, you can find it on KLRC On-Demand!
Mark invites the KLRC listening family to a drive by birthday party for courageous Elijah (turning 15) who is battling cancer. Plus Christy shares about her parent and son role reversal moments. They also share about Special Olympics Arkansas and how it is impacting our community.
Val Leiske, who is at JBU as the main speaker for Relationships Week joined us to talk about singleness. Plus you can catch her doing a production on Wednesday night, incorporating JBU theatre students, entitled “Me Right Now”. The performance is Wednesday at 7pm in the Jones Theatre - lower level of the cathedral.
Mark starts our week off with prayer and he and Christy share what they are looking forward to this week. Plus, Mark shares his thoughts after watching Mac, Christy’s son, play basketball over the weekend and how he was reminded of God’s identity for each of us. They also celebrate the KLRC Teacher of the Week and Office of the Week!
Mark and Christy play the Groundhog Day edition of “50/50 with Mark and Christy.” Plus, they share about certain days in their lives they wish could be a Groundhog Day. Listeners chime in with their own sweet memories. Mark also shares about a 92 year old who has lived an incredible life of service and is still making a huge difference in the lives of those around him.
Mark and Christy discuss the power of pausing and paying attention to how you feel in a moment and how that can impact our relationships for the better. Also Christy shares a story about how two fan clubs of opposing NFL teams came together to support players from the opposing teams in order to make a Positive Difference beyond the football field
Christy shares about a podcast she heard about a man having an addiction breakthrough from his issues with infidelity and what it took to get there. It turns into a discussion around the breakfast table about how breakthrough can happen. She also shares how a doctor in labor became a mom and a hero all in the same day.
Mark and Christy kick off the week sharing about what they’re looking forward to. Also, Mark shares about a meaningful moment with his dad he had over the weekend. He also shares about a Walmart delivery driver whose heroic efforts to get his delivery to a family in need turned into a new family friendship.
In honor of National Belly Laugh Day, Mark and Christy give away Chonda Pierce tickets with a fun game of “50/50 with Mark and Christy.” Also, Christy shares how a Sunfish reminds us all of the importance of relationships and being there for each other. Plus, Christy shares how the E.R. doctor and nurses made a huge difference in a scary moment she had with her son this week.
Inspired by a listeners courage to believe God's goodness even on a day you get a call nobody wants, we shared stories of the songs God used on even the hardest of days. Plus, a positive difference story about some backpacks making a big difference for a lot of kids!