Hear all the on the air highlights from 90.9 KLRC, including from The KLRC Morning Show, The KLRC Drive-Home, and more. Whether you missed a touching moment, want to re-live a hilarious conversation, or want to pass along a moment of encouragement to a friend, you can find it on KLRC On-Demand!
Mark kicks off our week in prayer and Christy tries to convince Mark on why the Solar Eclipse is a big deal. She also shares a local story of how the community came together for a young man whose home was almost destroyed. Plus, they celebrate a new Teacher of the Week and Office of the Week.
Check out this week's favorite moments from The KLRC Morning Show. Mark and Christy dive into all kinds of topics and fun. If you missed your favorite segment or just need some truth bombs or laughter in your life today, this is the place to find it!
Mark’s 25th wedding anniversary is coming up and he needs vacation ideas and our listening family shows up in a big way! Christy also shares about how a dad helped his blind daughter go Easter egg hunting and how it ended up making a Positive Difference for blind children across the country.
Sharon shares her story and the impact of Tangible Truth Ministries on her life and Susan Goss (Director & President) shares all that Tangible Truth Ministries offers including free counseling, podcasts filled with free therapy on a wide range of topics, as well as local conferences.
Christy kicks off our week in prayer and Mark shares about his recent experience with foot washing and how God was probably preparing his attitude for the weekend ahead. Christy shares about her plans for the solar eclipse and Mark shares a Positive Difference story where “Make A Wish” made a local girl’s dream come true. They also honor a new Teacher of the Week and Office of the Week.
Check out this week's favorite moments from The KLRC Morning Show. Mark and Christy dive into all kinds of topics and fun. If you missed your favorite segment or just need some truth bombs or laughter in your life today, this is the place to find it!
Mark celebrates Christy for her birthday with two special surprises and a listener unexpectedly brings a puppy to the studio turning Christy to mush. Also, a birthday surprise from Pig Trail Harley Davidson is going to make Christy’s motorcycle dreams come true fulfilling her mid-life crisis needs.