Hear all the on the air highlights from 90.9 KLRC, including from The KLRC Morning Show, The KLRC Drive-Home, and more. Whether you missed a touching moment, want to re-live a hilarious conversation, or want to pass along a moment of encouragement to a friend, you can find it on KLRC On-Demand!


KLRC Morning Show Replay 2/6/24

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

This morning we talked about those strange "treasures" we hang onto and learned about Super Bowl quarterback Brock Purdy's faith. Plus, we learned that Mark has issues with his workout coach, but we know it's something deeper going on within Mark.


KLRC Morning Show Replay 2/5/24

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

Mark kicks off the week with a meaningful prayer and later shares the adventures of fatherhood with his senior learning to tie a tie for Homecoming. Please pray for Christy and all those involved that invited her to the shooting range. Plus the Antique Roadshow will be visiting NWA and Christy says she has the perfect item.


Best of The KLRC Morning Show (Jan 29 - Feb 2)

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

Check out the highlights from the KLRC Morning Show this week. Mark and Christy dive into all kinds of topics and fun. If you missed your favorite segment or just need some truth bombs or laughter in your life today, we've got you covered!


KLRC Morning Show Replay 2/2/24

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

Mark and Christy experienced a studio invasion by local teenagers who were job shadowing. Turns out they are Awesome and full of many talents. 50/50 had us all going "WHOA" inspired by the Old School show Blossom and Mark's movie review will leave you with another WHOA.


KLRC Morning Show Replay 2/1/24

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

We start off a new month sharing a powerful story from Christy's friend and her Celebrate Recovery journey. Plus an amazing rescue in our Positive Difference Story of the Day, and Mark was inspired by a young man cleaning up a mess at a basketball game.


People Making a Positive Difference: Celebrate Recovery (Feb24)

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

We had a chance to sit down with LaDwana and hear about how Celebrate Recovery has impacted her life and all the ways this org is making a life changing Positive Difference in our community.


KLRC Morning Show Replay (Wed Game) 1/31/24

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

Chaplain Justin brings his wisdom around physical and spiritual wholeness and Christy's Doogje Howser M.D. and Captain Kangaroo questions were enough to give Christy the edge for another win this week against the Boomers and Millenials. She’s on a winning streak and her confidence is building (not that it was ever lacking


KLRC Morning Show Replay 1/30/24

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

Mark and Christy share about the power of getting lost. Christy also reflects on how funerals can bring a new life perspective and Mark shares why he finally started going to funerals after decades of saying no.


KLRC Morning Show Replay 1/29/24

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

We're starting the week together, sharing a cool positive difference story about a group who really learned it's better to give than receive. Plus, Mark shared some thoughts from meeting his daughter the first time, and Christy's son is recovering from a rough weekend watching his favorite NFL team lose.


Weekend Wrap-Up: 01/26/2024

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

This week, KLRC remembers Gretchen, a godly woman who was one of the Christmas wish receivers, whose story we shared at KLRC, and has now been called home... Mark and Christy also talk about myths we believe as facts, Andrea says new experiences can "slow down time" where routine can "speed" up time, Robert wants to drive a monster truck, and Ansen is being tormented by riddles...


Wednesday Game: Battle of Generations (S4E21)

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

We're back after being snowed out last week! This week's battle features stories from Christy's Hulk adventures, one of Lauren's favorite cartoons, and Cheri introduced us to a 1960's product where "a little dab will do ya"! WARNING: Christy may have tried singing again, listen at your own risk.


Weekend Wrap-Up: 01/19/2024

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

This week, Christy worked a lot from home as the icy roads kept her away from the studio. She shared with Mark an inspiring story about Steve Jobs and the new Miss America. Andrea knows the scientifically proven sledding conditions. Robert reflects on MLK day since he himself is living in King's dream, being in a blended family. And, Ansen and Kara talk about holiness and weird world records...

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A Little More: Mistakes Are Proof You’re...

More Than Small Talk

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A CUP OF WATER (3/14/25)

Prayer Starters

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2 Therapist Untangle Life-Changing Thera...

Tangible Truth Podcast

AListeningLife Artwork2021 v2

Advent Christmas Day (2024)

A Listening Life

TheBravePlace v2

Artist Connection - Singer/Songwriter B...

The Brave Place


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