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Weekend Wrap-Up: 10/20/2023

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

This week, Zoe shares highlights from October 16th to October 20th. Mark and Christy have a great conversation with Riley Clemmons, Andrea has a sneaky dog named Loki, Robert admires how his wife reflects God, and Ansen and Kara agree that humans are weird...


Wednesday Game: Battle of Generations (S4E9)

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

The Battle of Generations was full of twists and turns today. From Christy and Andrea rapping to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air’s theme song to Boomer Cheri bringing the heat from her Looney Tunes days, Christy thought she had the win but then found out Mark made a mistake in asking the question. It turned into an overtime suspenseful thriller! Listen to find out how it ends!  


Artist Riley Clemmons on Morning Show 10/17

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

After taking a break from music for a bit, Riley Clemmons is back and joined Mark & Christy to share about her new song "Loved By You", what she has learned the last few years about performance, and much more!


Fall Fundraiser 2023 Flashback

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

Check out just a few of our favorite memories from an incredible week!


Weekend Wrap-Up: 10/06/2023

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

This week, Zoe shares highlights from Oct 2nd to Oct 6th. Mark and Christy talk with listeners about what they're looking forward to this fall season, Andrea has a great idea for long road trips, Robert's first baby-gate experience, and Ansen and Kara help us not take ourselves too seriously...


Wednesday Game: Battle of Generations (S4E8)

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

So far this season Christy and Gen X have been shut out, so this week she tapped into her inner "Seabiscut" to try race to a win


Lifewater International

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

André Arceneaux of Bentonville based Lifewater International shares stories of how Lifewater is saving lives and improving communities across the globe by providing access to safe water.


Weekend Wrap-Up: 09/29/2023

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

In this episode, Zoe shares highlights from September 25th to September 29th. Mark puts Christy in the hot seat, Andrea is rebellious with the weather, Robert reminds us that God doesn't disappoint, and Ansen and Kara discuss toddler cat behavior....


Wednesday Game: Battle of Generations (S4E7)

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

Another battle that went down to the wire... including Christy's random trivia facts about Michael J (or is it really J?) Fox!


Weekend Wrap-Up: 09/22/2023

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

In this episode, Zoe shares highlights from September September 18th to September 22nd. Mark and Christy talk about selling rocks, Andrea shares the power of kindness, Robert has some cooking hacks, and Andrea and Kara debut "Pitiful Petulance",,,


Wednesday Game: Battle of Generations (S4E6)

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

This week's Battle of Generations features appearances from Daniel Tiger, the Chrissy doll, and a famous housemother from Facts of Life!


Weekend Wrap-Up: 09/15/2023

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

In this episode, Zoe shares highlights from September 11th to September 15th. Mark shares how he got pulled over recently, Andrea has a story from missionaries, Robert loves this unique class assignment, and Ansen and Kara reflect on how God gives when we ask...

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Fundraiser Celebration Highlights
The KLRC Morning Show Podcast
A Little More: Mistakes Are Proof You’re Trying
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A CUP OF WATER (3/14/25)
Prayer Starters
2 Therapist Untangle Life-Changing Therapy Quotes and Concepts (Pt 1) w/ Dr. Ryan Rana (Season 5 Episode 10)
Tangible Truth Podcast
Advent Christmas Day (2024)
A Listening Life
Artist Connection - Singer/Songwriter Blessing Offor
The Brave Place
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Fundraiser Celebration Highlights

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

MoreThanSmallTalk2 3000 v2

A Little More: Mistakes Are Proof You’re...

More Than Small Talk

1466001 1652719621

A CUP OF WATER (3/14/25)

Prayer Starters

TangibleTruthPodcast 2023 3000 QL70 v2

2 Therapist Untangle Life-Changing Thera...

Tangible Truth Podcast

AListeningLife Artwork2021 v2

Advent Christmas Day (2024)

A Listening Life

TheBravePlace v2

Artist Connection - Singer/Songwriter B...

The Brave Place


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