Hear all the on the air highlights from 90.9 KLRC, including from The KLRC Morning Show, The KLRC Drive-Home, and more. Whether you missed a touching moment, want to re-live a hilarious conversation, or want to pass along a moment of encouragement to a friend, you can find it on KLRC On-Demand!


Weekend Wrap-Up: 12/9/2022

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

Welcome to the KLRC Weekend-Wrap Up! You're joined with Zoe, KLRC’s intern. If you're like Zoe, you don't always catch everything that happened on the air during the week but that doesn't mean you have to miss out! Every weekend, you can catch the highlights from Mark and Christy's morning show, middays with Isaac & Robert, and the drive-home with Ansen and Kara! This way you can wrap up the weekend with a boost of encouragement.


Wednesday Game: Battle of Generations (S2E14)

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

In this week's battle both sides pulled out what may be their best questions yet!


2022 KLRC Christmas Wish 1 Reveal

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

Along with our friends at Sam's Furniture, our caring community came together to provide Aaron, Michelle, and their little girl over $10,000 worth of gifts to help them start over after a devastating house fire!


Weekend Wrap-Up: 12/02/2022

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

Welcome to the KLRC Weekend-Wrap Up! You're joined with Zoe, KLRC’s intern. If you're like Zoe, you don't always catch everything that happened on the air during the week but that doesn't mean you have to miss out! Every weekend, you can catch the highlights from Mark and Christy's morning show, middays with Isaac & Robert, and the drive-home with Ansen and Kara! This way you can wrap up the weekend with a boost of encouragement.


Wednesday Game: Battle of Generations (S2E13)

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

This week was such an intense battle. Thank God for Chaplain Justin being here to keep the peace!


Wednesday Game: Battle of Generations (S2E12)

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

Spoiler Alert: This week's battle may have required a Thanksgiving Baby Boomer Bonus Question!


Weekend Wrap-Up: 11/18/2022

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

Welcome to the KLRC Weekend-Wrap Up! You're joined with Zoe, KLRC’s intern. If you're like Zoe, you don't always catch everything that happened on the air during the week but that doesn't mean you have to miss out! Every weekend, you can catch the highlights from Mark and Christy's morning show, middays with Isaac & Robert, and the drive-home with Ansen and Kara! This way you can wrap up the weekend with a boost of encouragement.


Wednesday Game: Battle of Generations (S2E11)

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

This week's battle brings back some classic Gladys Knight, 80's TV, and Marvel trivia.


Weekend Wrap-Up: 11/11/2022

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

Welcome to the KLRC Weekend-Wrap Up! You're joined with Zoe, KLRC’s intern. If you're like Zoe, you don't always catch everything that happened on the air during the week but that doesn't mean you have to miss out! Every weekend, you can catch the highlights from Mark and Christy's morning show, middays with Isaac & Robert, and the drive-home with Ansen and Kara! This way you can wrap up the weekend with a boost of encouragement.


Ezekiel Rain (11-10-22)

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

Two NW Arkansas families left the comforts of good jobs, nearby family, and launched into an adventure to see how God wanted to use them to bring healing and justice to those affected by human trafficking. This conversation includes some sensitive topics and language that may not be suitable for our youngest listeners.


Wednesday Game: Battle of Generations (S2E10)

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

This week's battle includes questions from one of Spielberg's classics, a Disney favorite, and some technology that might expose a Christy weakness!


Wednesday Game: Battle of Generations (S2E9)

The KLRC Morning Show Podcast

After defeat to Christy and her Grammy Award Winning Emotional Support Human last week, the Millennials are back with a vengeance!

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