My wife and I are new to the area. We help putting restaurants back in shape and back on track. This station is great. I've been dealing with medical issues and having to go back and forth to different hospitals in different cities close by. I've been so pulled towards everyone and want to give.. much love and God bless all..
I just want to say thank you. KLRC has helped me in so many ways and I look forward to listening each day. Over this last week, I have had several things I wanted to share about how this station has helped me, but I know my thoughts and prayers are being heard and answered. It is evident each day and KLRC helps confirm that for me and so many others.
As I listened to Goodness of God play on the radio earlier, the tears started rolling down my cheeks. I felt the Lord tug on my heart and say, "IT'S TIME to give." "Have I not been faithful to you?" God has been faithful to me even during the most difficult times of life. On Dec 18, 22 my dad went home to be with the Lord and then six months 1 day later my husband's battle with cancer was over, he joined my dad in heaven. My KLRC family & the music has been a constant encouragement to me. During the last 6 months of my husbands life every time I got in my car to go somewhere during my drive the song IT IS WELL by Bethel would come on the radio. That song resonated in me, I felt the Lord speaking to me and telling me that whether God chose to heal my husbands or take him home, it had to be well with me. I have felt such a peace through the music on KLRC over the 17 years that I have been listening to it. I LOVE what KLRC stands for and how the music has touched so many lives. I had the privilege to take radio classes through JBU and got to work with Mark. I witnessed firsthand the behind the scenes and the hearts of those that keep KLRC running. Everyone involved in keeping the radio station going truly have a heart for God and people. They all want to see the lives of of the lost, the broken, the hurting and those that are struggling to be touched by God through the words of the Music. Thank you KLRC for your faithfulness to the Lord! I love you all!
Thank you for all you do in the community. I’ve heard God speak to me through the songs that play at just the right time, whether that be after a bad day at work, on a good day, and everything in between. I’m so happy to partner with you as you continue to use God’s words to speak encouragement and life to others in our communities.
Just moved here from Nebraska, love listening to KLRC , appreciate all they do here. The outreach is amazing, gives people a lot of strength. Hard to leave NE with all the friends, but our children are down here. Working in Lincoln AR at West Wash Reg clinic - God led me here; he made it all possible for us to move in just a 3 month period of time. I've been listening to KLRC ever since we got here...thought I have got to give....worked out this time to do.
We think it is a great ministry. We have been listening for over 30 years and it has been a while since we have given. We were able to help with the Christmas wishes, All of our vehicles and my tractor are all programmed to this station. I have listened to many hours baling hay.
I heard Lora who said "if everyone on the freeway gave..."! I just moved here from Houston and used to listen to KSBJ there. I thought there would be nothing comparable here, and so of course was delighted when I came across your radio station! I've only been here since New Year's Eve and still trying to figure out what my expenses will be in Little Flock, so I'm committing to $15 a month and will "up it" if I can, later. Thank you for being a beacon of light for all of us!