Me and my girls love KLRC! I love the spirit felt when KLRC is playing in my car and my 5 year old says "look momma I am praising!" Or when I can hear the girls singing along it is such a blessing! I love to see all the work God does through this radio station and I am honored that God allows me to be a part of it!
I am at work right now, but I travel I49 5 days a week from Fayetteville to Bentonville and back. This morning early someone mentioned "all the cars on I49". I used to be a regular giver, but my financial situation has changed, so my best gift today is a one time gift of $20.00 . But, If every KLRC listener that shares I49 with me gave just $20 one time, that could amount to quite a bit to bless NWA by keeping KLRC on the air. So, I can't double peoples gifts or anything like that, but I would like to challenge any KLRC listener who enjoys the station on the ride to work to give a one time gift of $20.00, If you can do more, great! But there are a number of us struggling that can maybe sacrifice a little something to give that $20.00.
God is on the move in my life. He has given me a story to share with the world, and I am finally able to see it. He has asked me to write about it, and I never dreamed that I would ever write what appears to be a book. Pray for me as I write this story and prepare to share it as he leads. Contemporary Christian music has played a major role in my walk with God for the last 11 years. The Holy Spirit has powerfully used music to touch my life in ways that nothing else can. I am a firm believer in the power of the Spirit working through music.
My radio in my kitchen and my car is almost always tuned to KLRC (except during Razorback games ;) ). Your music has been motivating, inspiring, and calming me for almost 15 years, when I relocated to NW Arkansas from SW Arkansas. I appreciate y'all so very much!! Bless KLRC!