
Listening In

Posted by Kelli

My 6 year old daughter Blakely and I were listening to KLRC when she said, "Hey mom, I love KLRC, and we should give!" :)

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Joy Everyday

Posted by Cheyanne

I love KLRC and it gives me joy everyday, especially on the hard days and it calms my anxiety through the perfect songs when I need them.

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Blessing Through Giving

Posted by Tim

I try to live my life knowing that God will bless those who give whole heartedly in their tithing and offerings. I've seen doors open in blessings through financial donations, and my heart change in giving God all aspects of my finances. I'm excited to see how God blesses and uses this donation!

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Trust Him

Posted by Molly

The Lord woke me up this morning and the first thing He said to me was, "You thought $25 a month was your best gift, but you are able to do $40. Trust me and know that I will always provide."

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A Daily Ministry

Posted by Holly

I'm so thankful for KLRC that keeps my heart pliable. It helps me deal with what I'm feeling through song. Whether it's frustration or fear or sadness, it forces it out of me so that it's not building up but being dealt with! Definitely a daily ministry for me.

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Inspiration in a Rough Year

Posted by Brandi

We've had a rough year and I've listened to KLRC every day. It has been a huge inspiration listening to the music and stories as they have been uplifting for us.

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Spending Time With God

Posted by Tim

I moved here and used to listen to KLRC all the time. I veered away and turned to watching and using more streaming services for entertainment. But I decided to give up some of those to donate to KLRC today. I want to spend more time with the Lord. Listening to Mark & Christy in the morning feels like sitting and having coffee with them!

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KLRC Is A Saving Grace

Posted by Andrea

KLRC is truly a saving grace for me. I listen in the classroom and it helps keep certain behaviors at bay. I always have to have it on before students arrive. And then I listen in the car all the time too. Anxiety was high the last several months with my mom battling cancer and my dad recovering from an accident. They are both struggling and I am 22 hours away. I so need the positive music and prayers!

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KLRC Impacted My Husband

Posted by Elizabeth

I lost my mom last Monday, and my husband lost his uncle last Saturday. My husband was far from his faith, but he started listening to KLRC a few weeks before my mom got sick. I hopped in his car and heard he was listening to it. That really moved me. My husband chose to give his life to God, and I've started listening as well!

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Support Helping People

Posted by Travis

I was listening this morning and thought about how much KLRC has helped me and my family in the past. The world is crazy right now and we need to be supporting places that help people!

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KLRC Kept me Going

Posted by Rachel

I've been in and out of survival mode for the past 3 years. I've consistently listened to KLRC to lighten my decision fatigue and position my heart and mind towards Christ. I just turn on KLRC and I know I'll hear positive lyrics to combat my anxiety and depression. The DJ's share some really encouraging stuff and they are funny sometimes too. It's one way God has helped me keep going through an incredibly hard season.

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Thanks For The Encouragement

Posted by Tamara

Thank you KLRC for giving me the gift of encouragement and joy over the last 5 years of my cancer journey. I listen all day as I work from home. Bless you all!

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Posted by Barkley

The Lord has answered prayers and our almost 16 year old daughter is turning her life around. She was going down the completely wrong path with choices and actions. Prayer that she’ll continue seeking the Lord and desire to grow and know Him more.

I’m Praising God for This


Posted by Debbie

I have been dealing with a variety of health problems for the past six months. What started out as a pain in my side, ended up sending me to multiple specialists, having a multitude of tests done, a trip to the ER, and several not-so-pleasant diagnoses. This led to prescriptions that could cause fatal side effects, while attempting to lengthen my life, allergies to several prescriptions, one which swelled my eyelids up so that I couldn’t see, and another that caused insomnia, hallucinations, and nightmares, as well as now finding out that I need surgery.
Through all of this, and the financial difficulties that made their presence known, KLRC has been there for me. Each of the on-air personalities brings their own brand of prayer, spirit, and joy, to the day. Each of them, including those behind the scenes, have been with me through all of it. And, will continue to do so. Between the prayer wall, which I have placed quite a few requests on, the text line, to stay in touch, and just KLRC playing “the right song at the right time,” it has all been a huge blessing to me. Depression has not been able to take over because of the “positive difference,” and I am so very grateful. Thank you, all!

I’m Praising God for This


Posted by Anonymous

Grateful for each one of my boys as they  have over came every obstacle that was put in front of them recently. They did not let anything get them down and have stayed positive. I am so proud of them and grateful.  

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Posted by Anonymous

My family & I are going through a very dark, rough time and if it wasn’t for KLRC & especially Jesus we wouldn’t have made it this far, but believing for a miraculous miracle.

I’m Praising God for This

Going Through a Storm

Posted by Anonymous

I am going through a storm right now, but the positive thing is that it doesn't last forever. I will praise God through this storm and not let the devil win. God has provided me with what I need. Praying that someday I will receive my heart's desires.

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Morning Positivity

Posted by Molly

I have started sharing the good news story of the day every single morning during our morning meeting and the kids absolutely Love it! 

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New Perspective

Posted by Kristen

Brandon Heath's Give Me Your Eyes was the song that got me hooked on Christian music. It came to me at a time when I had just realized how critical of everyone I had become because of my job and I hated feeling that way. It gave me the words to pray for a change in my life. It helped restore my peace and sanity.

I’m Praising God for This

Willow the Warrior Upcoming Heart Surgery

Posted by Abigail

I’m writing to share the story of my incredible daughter Willow, who is preparing for her second open-heart surgery— just two days before her third birthday.

Willow was born with a congenital heart defect (CHD), a condition that affects 1 in 100 babies, and her journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. Despite the challenges, she’s a bright, spirited little girl who continues to inspire everyone who meets her.

This surgery is a crucial step in her health journey, and while it brings hope, it also brings immense financial and emotional strain for our family. 

February is also Heart Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about CHD and the strength of children like Willow. Sharing her story on your platform would not only mean so much to our family but could also shed light on the realities of CHD and bring much-needed awareness to this cause.

Warm regards,

I’m Praising God for This

Never More Loved

Posted by Marsha

Songs so make a difference! In Nov of 2021 my appendix ruptured. In fact it had ruptured days before I went to the ER. Doctors said it was a miracle I was alive. God had created a bubble around that rupture. Yes I was sick for a long time and all I could do was listen to music. Jireh by elevation worship is that song. The words I'll never be more loved than I am right now ! Was 100% true! The verse says you are enough and I will be content ! He is "Forever enough, always enough, and more than enough!"  I am alive today and share my miracle whenever I can! 

I’m Praising God for This


Posted by Bilita

I am a big fan of KLRC.  I was born and raised in the Marshall Island. Please pray for my financial situation.  I have a young son and I am unable to work due to health issues.  Pray for healing for my ankle.  

I’m Praising God for This

Sundays comin'

Posted by Krystle

Good morning! I just wanted to share the song that got me through it. For me it was Zach Williams Sundays comin'. I was having a really rough time with my husband and a real struggle he has with alcoholism and I was at a point where I had just had it and was ready to give up and I got in my car the next morning and turned it on and that song came on and it just hit me.

I’m Praising God for This


Posted by Ashley

I am so thankful for KLRC. All the hosts are positive. I love Kara and Robert's laughter in the afternoon. It always puts me in a good mood on the way home. I also am thankful for the positive stories that Mark and Kristy read in the mornings. This station is clean and great for my mental health.

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