Susan is a seasoned therapist of more than 15 years. Join her to talk about therapy concepts, relationships, mentoring, and faith. Susan believes truth should be tangible and easy to apply to our everyday lives, and each week she will unpack one concept and share with you how you can make small changes that will lead you to better mental health and stronger relationships.


Suddenly Single with Susan's Best Friend Angie Elrod (S2Ep44)

Tangible Truth Podcast

What do you do when you find yourself suddenly single?


Kelly's Korner Singles - Matchmaking in the age of Social Media (S2Ep43)

Tangible Truth Podcast

This week Keri and Susan continue their "Singleness" series by picking up with Kelly Stamps, of Kelly's Korner Singles and therapist Megan Jones, discussing how the process Kelly has set up with Kelly's Korner has lead to 55 marriages...and counting.


Single Too Long? (S2Ep42)

Tangible Truth Podcast

Is it possible to be single too long or does it just feel that way?


Singleness and a Calling (S2Ep41)

Tangible Truth Podcast

Guests Justin Rusincowski, pastor turned therapist and Brook Smith, counselor at Fresh Roots, return to talk to Keri and Susan more about the idea of singleness and the church.


Loneliness with Justin and Brook (S2Ep40)

Tangible Truth Podcast

Being Single in the church can sometimes be a lonely place. Join Keri and Susan, along with special guests Justin and Brooke, for part 1 of 4 on singleness.



Tangible Truth Podcast

Today we look at some common statements we often hear about mental health and relationships and we debunk the ones that simply aren’t true.


God Blocks (S02E38)

Tangible Truth Podcast

Sometimes we find ourselves using God as an excuse to avoid hard things (ouch!). Why do we do that? How have people in leadership done that? And what do we do about it?


I Love Jesus and I go to Therapy (S02E37)

Tangible Truth Podcast

So many of us have been told that “Faith is all we need” when it comes to mental health struggles. Today, Pastor and Therapist Aaron Matthews joins us to discuss how faith and mental health are not mutually exclusive. 


Defense Mechanisms (S02E36)

Tangible Truth Podcast

We all have defense mechanisms that function to protect us from anxiety, but they can block us from growing up spiritually and emotionally. What are your defense mechanisms?


Emotional Health (S02E35)

Tangible Truth Podcast

We talk a lot about emotional health, but how do you actually develop it? Today we explore some ways we can begin to move towards emotional health. 


Keeping the System Running (S02E34)

Tangible Truth Podcast

Did you know that your family is a system? And that each of us as individuals have the power to influence the system? 


Honor and Honesty (S02E33)

Tangible Truth Podcast

How can we honor our families while still being honest about the hurt they have caused? It's a fine line, but it is possible.

1 ... 9 10 11 12

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